Thousands of years experience in negative thinking
የሚባለው ነገር የሺ አመታት ሰውን ያማጣላት፣የማምታታት፣
የማንገላታት፣ የማናደድ የስራ ልምድ አለው።
ለዛም ነው ከምንገምተው በላይ ስማርት የሚሆንብን።
አንተ ወይም አንቺ ስንት አመት የስራ አመት
አለሽ? ግፋ
ቢል ትልቁ የስራ ልምድ ሃያ ቢሆን ነው። እና
የሺ አመታት የተንኮል ኤክስፔሪያንስ ካለው
ዲያቢሎስጋ በምን አቅምህ ነው የምትዋጋው።
አዎ እውነተኛ አማኝ ከሆንክ በእምነት ትለኛለህ
ወይም ትይኛለሽ። እያወራሁ ያለሁት ሰለ
ሀትይማኖት እንዳለሆነ አንባቢው ልብ ይበለልኝ።
፤ያወራሁ ያለሁት ያ ረጃጅም ጥርሶች ስላሉት፣
ጥቁሩ፣ ረጅሙ በህጻን አእምሯችን ወላጆቻችን
ስለሳሉብን ጭራቅ አይደለም። ሌላው
የዚህን የስማርት አካሄድ "ጃም"
መንገድ ምስጋና....ምስጋና...
ነው። በቃ በምስጋና አካሄዱን ጃም ማድረግ
ይቻላል። እሱ ሁሌም እንደ ሃከሮች ቀዳዳ ፈልጎ
መበጥበጥ ይፈልጋል አንተ/ቺ
ደሞ በምስጋና የተቦጨቀውን ማንነት በእምነት
መስፋተ ይጠበቅበሀል/ሻል።
እመነኝ ፍልስፍና አይደለም። ሰይጣን የሺ
አመታት ተሞክሮ ስላለው አርፎ አይቀመጥም
(If you found
it interesting, u can use it)
Do you know
what? the experience of Satan in deceiving, misleading and creating
chaos in this planet is more than thousands of years. He is the only
one with such long period of working experience in such negative
thinking. For this reason he is the smartest experienced negative
thinker that our planet ever saw.
Can i ask
you your service time? well you might say “well, I have 10 or 20
years of working experience.” I bet through this years, you have
developed new skills, new tactics and you have created a new system
to hold the ladder of the highest rank in your office. Believe me you
know how to mislead your boss or how to shift the psychology of your
co workers. Experience makes men perfect. You have achieved such
“professional specialization” within two or three decades. Can
you imagine what would be your future if you had the chance to live
for thousands of years? Well, if you are humble like Christ you
would leave positive thoughts for this planet. However, for we human
beings are attached to the desires of the flesh and we are well
acquainted to Negative thoughts, we will be smart negative thinkers
like Satan.
Satan is
destined to live thousands of years. Through such journey, he is
well experienced in how to create chaos in your mind; how to implant
negative thoughts and take you from the direction of positive
thoughts. He knew both your weakness and strength. He knows how to
manipulate your mind.
So, what is
the solution? could it be possible to fight such experienced enemy?
Well, depending on your faith experience it is possible. you can be
a believer but, your experience does matter. The degree of your faith
will help you to escape from this "smart" deceiver. You may
say “I am positive thinker.' But, the truth is you are not. Show
your faith through work not through word. Clean your mental closet.
Set free yourself from those negative thoughts that you nurtured
through the past years.
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