Netsa Art Village: art hospital for art lovers

Art is everything. Think of a time that your mind was weighed down by negative thoughts. Think of the time that you were lonely with nobody by your side to talk too and share your feelings. Think of the time that words lack power to express your internal feelings. On such occasions what do you do? Well, if you are a type of person who appreciates and recognizes the power of art in uplifting one's mood setting one free from mental slavery---stress ---you will headfirst engage in any form of artistic activity. If you are a kind of person who love to listen to music you will not spare seconds to sing a song that will lit up the darkness that engulfed you internally. If you are a type of person who enjoys visual art, you will take your pencil or brush to paint something . Yes, you will turn your own psychotherapist. Feel free you have sought the right remedial solution. Art is efficacious in nursing a mood in bad shape back to life.
What if you try to use this “medicine” to heal others who lost their parents? What would happen if you use this magic to render orphans sanguine? Yes, you will ensure their happiness. You will do them a miraculous thing that never happened to them.
Very recently Netsa Art Village had organized an art exhibition at Ale Fine Art Center. At the exhibition more than 62 orphans that live with HIV/AIDS had presented their artistic works to participants. And I had a chance to meet the Village`s Director Meheret Kebede and we had discussed about the overall activities of Netsa Art Village.
The exhibition was organized in collaboration with other sponsors under the theme of helping and healing orphans through art. In the exhibition children had displayed their artistic works. They had displayed their talent by producing different artifacts made from used materials. Beside the visual art, the orphans had also demonstrated their musical talent singing together with a famous Israeli singer.
According to Meheret, last year the number of participants was only 25. However, this year participants number has more than doubled. This year 62 orphans have took part in the event.
During a training secession the children had showed their dedication for such art by creating different artistic products form used materials. They were good in designing and creating something out of discarded things at hand.
“The children were also active in expressing themselves through music. Though they were trained only for a week they were successful in rehearsing the songs with the Israeli and Addis Taem music Band. They were performing the music in a way that attract listeners. Many were amazed by the children's ability to study the verses by heart.”
According to Mehiret, the orphans need someone to tell about their daily activity. They need a someone who can share their feelings. Thus, under such circumstance, art's efficacy in seeking vent to stress is not subject to doubt. This is specially true in a trying time when such less fortunate children could not use words to express their feelings. One dare say Art is a friend in need. And a friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend that liberates one from mental slavery. If we give orphans a chance to express themselves through different artistic works, we notice that there is always something stifled with them. They have something to tell us. There is always big thing within their alert mind that can not be easily expressed via words. Visual art apart from affording one express oneself freely, it has a healing power.
It will boost their social interaction. Thus, I can say from my experience that if we afford them the chance, the material and the opportunity, such children can express themselves.
In this regard, Netsa Art Village is doing its best to help orphans. “As a non profit making village, we are treating orphans through art therapy. That is why different NGOs are backing up our effort. Our village is not meant only for orphans. Anyone with the talent or love for art could come and feel at home in the village.”
During my stay with Meheret, I had asked her about the social value of art in our country. According to Meheret, Ethiopia is a land of art. For instance this can simply be witnessed by seeing the ancient obelisk of the Aksumite and the Gondar castles. However, this does not mean that the whole society has a positive attitude towards art. In our society, Art does not seem enjoying the right place it deserves.
The education system of the country has its own shortcomings in this regard. If you go to primary schools it is not uncommon to come across teachers who have not specialized in the field of art or who does not have any artistic background assigned to teach art. We all are products of such a system.
What is more, if a boy or a girl shows a bent towards art there is a common trend of considering them as a hopeless. I am not blaming people as I know they have also come through the same system that undermine art.
Citizens don't seem to have an inkling on the importance of art . Even when one graduates from an art school parents ,relatives and neighbors hardly believe the graduate stands on his/her feet let alone get fortune. But, the truth is, one can not think this world without art. Art is power; art is wealth,health and freedom.
You can not think a blissful life without art. You can not think of this world without design. Thus, the mentality of the society must be changed. We need a society that appreciate art. We need to develop a formal as well as informal education system that encourages art. For instance if you take our art village, it is an informal education center. Other workshops and other art activities of such nature throughout the country could also be taken as an example of informal education.
When you come to the formal education, we need to have qualified art teachers starting from the elementary school. It is teachers at the grassroots level who could lay the foundation for talented artists. In this regard the educational policy of the country must give a due attention to art.
What is more, government and other policy makers have a responsibility in supporting art. They must be an active players in promoting art and artists. Without using a single word, art has power of conveying message. Art is also instrumental instrument in building the image of a given country.
For instance, very recently The New York Times has indicated Addis Ababa as one of the 52 places that should be visited by 2014E.C.According to this daily newspaper, Addis Ababa is a promising art scene that is heading toward the international stage.
Therefore, the government must be a key player in promoting art. In addition to using art a means to generate income we can also use it to build the image of the country in the international arena. Our artistic products can play an ambassadorial role in the outside world reflecting Ethiopia's role.
Netsa Art Village was found in 2008 by 12 graduates of Fine Art School. Since its establishment the village had staged different art exhibitions, art festivals, art workshops children art workshops and music festivals to convey message in a way that entertain the audience. Additionally, Netsa aims to fill the gap between artists and the community by organizing diverse artistic events including concerts, poetry evenings, art talks and workshops as well as exhibitions.


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