Dr. Tesfaye Abebe (‘Father’): A mentor of would-be artists


Dr. Tesfaye Abebe (‘Father’) is known countrywide for his decades’ long effort in training generations of actors, directors and other theater professionals. Himself, a playwright and director, he has written and directed numerous plays. Dr. Tesfaye Abebe is also a self-trained pianist and player of kirar (Guitar like music instrument).
Tesfaye Abebe has been serving his country for the last 40 years training young and gifted artists for free. He is still coaching them without considering financial returns.
For four decades now, he has been promoting Ethiopian theatrical art by coaching gifted youths. Recently, I had a chance to meet him in his office, located around Abune Petros statue.
Tesfaye Abebe is 75. But he is still strong. I have observed how energetic and passionate he is while coaching his students. Dr. Artist Tesfaye's coaching system is not confined to theory. He hones the skill of his art loving-and emerging artists and young students with practical demonstration. The body languages,voice pitches of his apprentices, I prefer to call his “children”, are closely monitored by him. Nothing escapes him. There is nothing he overlooks while training his students. As a father, his patience while coaching his art loving children is very impressive. Dr. artist Tesfaye sees the performance of his trainees from the standpoint of the audience.
Dr. Artist Tesfaye Abebe established his training centre in 1973. At the time his training centre was called Ye theater edget—the development of theatrical art. According to him, the training centre was founded with a vision of nurturing the talent of young and passionate artists. When the idea of coaching young artists came into his mind he started to train his “children” at the small hall found at Hager Fker theater.
Following his training announcement, several young artists from different corners of the Addis began flocking to his training centre. Prominent artists like Wogayehu Negatu, Tekle Desta, Sirak Tadesses, Alemu Gebre Ab, Behailu Mengesha, Alemtsehay Wedajo, Fikadu Teklemariayam, Fantu Mandoye and others were among his trainees.
For over 40 years Dr. Tesfaye had been mentoring competent artists in the country and he is still doing that without expecting any financial reward from his trainees—for labour of the love.
When I asked Tesfaye why he prefers to give the training for free he responded that, art needs commitment and passion. “I have to train the youth having passion for free. Their success is my price. That is why I had been training those gifted children of mine for about 40 years. And I have witnessed that almost all of my children have achieved success in the areas of performing art. They have contributed bricks to the development of theatrical art in the country.”
Tesfaye also said, art needs discipline and commitment. Technology might add its own contribution. But, in the absence of commitment and passion it is impossible to give color for theatrical art. We have witnessed this in times when the existing technological achievements did not send roots in our country. We had only passion and commitment for the art. We have done lots of things in times when technological achievements were at their infancy in our country.
Nowadays technology is supporting the performing art. But, if there is no passion and discipline , theater hall by itself doesn't make art an art. Theatrical art graduates are many in the country. But, the performing art still needs dynamism. I doubt if the theatrical art has achieved the level it is expected to. I am not totally downplaying change. But, much is expected from fans of this art.
If properly used theatrical art has a great potential in building the cultural and social values of a given country. We are living in a country of ancient civilization. Despite the fact that the country is a land of heroes and heroines, despite the fact it is a place where great civilization flourished, the existing performing art is reflecting the romance packed themes. This is but the direct copy of the west.
The current movie industry also needs attention. Theaters and films have to reflect the true essence of Ethiopia. They can change our culture and history into movies. Let the Hollywood actors take care of their own business. Let us care about ours. Shall we use language that does not express us? Should we reflect the culture of the west through our movies. No..! we have our own culture which is unique and beautiful. Let us first focus on what we have at hand. Do we need to copy the history of others in our movies? No..! we have our own culture. We are living in a land where the greatest civilization of Axum flourished. This identity must not be adulterated by cultural imperialism. How long shall the movie industry focus on the romantic films that are the product of the west? We do have various masterpieces that were written by prominent Ethiopian writers. They can be converted into films.


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