When it comes to Ethiopia, there is no compromise

 There were no times where Ethiopians compromise with their dignity and sovereignty. If that was not the case, the history of the nation and its people could have been totally different from what is right now.

Every Ethiopian knows what dignity means, what sovereignty of the land and the soil means.  All the sacrifice made by our forefathers is to deliver us a free and safe Ethiopia. Dying for Ethiopia is within the blood of every Ethiopian.
 All the blood was paid for the sake of unity, dignity and sovereignty. If not, the spiritual and moral identity of every Ethiopian could have been shaped according to the colonizers mentality.

As part and parcel of the planet earth and member of the UN and other regional organizations, Ethiopia adheres to all international laws and works coherently with international organizations but, its eagle eyes are always upon those individuals or groups that work day and night for its collapse,  and its claws against anti-Ethiopia elements.  

Attempts to twist Ethiopia`s arm for the sake of their interest is either resulted from lack of knowledge about the true history of the nation or misled by their traitor messengers.

As it was clearly mentioned once by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) “I would rather give my neck to scythe than to run errands. WE are poor and need to work in partnership with well- off countries to lift out of poverty. But we never accept any kind of support at the expense of our national dignity.”

Ethiopia is an ancient country with strong social, economic and political structure that would not be shaken by temporary challenges. Ethiopian politics or social structure is not made to please Neo-colonialists nor their instruments.

Ethiopians might have internal conflict; they may have disagreement on several issues but they never had a culture of giving room for external intervention. This is Ethiopia`s true identity.  

As it was repeatedly indicated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD), while securing its sovereignty, Ethiopia always strives to work with the international community that truly understands the basic values of international laws and respects nonintervention principles.

All the storms Ethiopia had been through have brought us closer than ever. Our challenge has disproved the miscalculations of our enemies.  

While securing its sovereignty by exerting efforts on national security institutions, the effort towards prosperity and building a strong economy that benefits Ethiopians and its friends will be the core values  of the government within the coming five years.  Ensuring fast growing and fair economic system that provides economic opportunity for Ethiopians


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