Is the UN reiterating the League of Nations' mistake?


All the pressures put by the UN against Ethiopia truly shows its partiality to the terrorist TPLF and repeating the same mistake the League of Nations made in 1936,  when Ethiopia was crying to the league but it turned a deaf ear to Ethiopia.

When the Ethiopian government announces its decision to expel seven of UN staff the UN Secretary General has expressed his shake immediately. However, earlier, before its decision, the Ethiopian government has reported and accused aid organizations (Norwegian Refugees Council and Medicine Sans Frontier) for their misinformation and provision of armaments to the terrorist TPLF. However, the Secretary General did not even try to consider the claim seriously which is a sign of partiality with the terrorist group.

Its recent stand on Ethiopia`s expulsion of seven UN staff who were meddling in internal affairs, the UN did fail to abide by its principles. One of the core principles of the UN was to value all member states- strong or weak, poor or rich, developed or developing equally. However, due to the blurred view of organization`s drivers some members are getting red-carpet treatment while others are portrayed as subordinates.

Despite the fact that Ethiopia, its people and the aforementioned nations are showing unreserved commitment to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and principles of globalization, some quarters have taken the opposite direction and are trying to cover their  mistake with their stubbornness.

Forces which are meant to bring the world more closer, work for peace and democracy, economic cooperation, fight all forms of terrorism, terminate groups that involve in inhuman activities have stood in the extreme opposite direction.

Based on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations Article 9 which stipulates the provision for declaration of persona non grata Ethiopia, as a sovereign nation and among the founding members, has all the right to expel those UN staff who are involved in activities that threaten the peace and security of the nation.

The receiving State may at any time and without having to explain its decision, notify the sending State that the head of the mission or any member of the diplomatic staff of the mission is persona non grata or that any other member of the staff of the mission is not acceptable. In any such case, the sending State shall, as appropriate, either recall the person concerned or terminate his functions with the mission. A person may be declared non grata or not acceptable before arriving in the territory of the receiving State. 

Using this Convention as a ground,  Ethiopia did not violate any international laws or breach its oath to the UN. As it is stated in the convention, countries have all unreserved sovereign right to apply persona non grata measures.

The stands taken by Russia, China, India, Kenya and others truly reflect the concrete foundation the UN is established.  The blinked view of the UN Secretary General shall perceive situations in Ethiopia with panorama view. What is more, like that of Russia, India, Kenya and others, the international community should stand by truth and support the Ethiopian decision.





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