Ethiopia is in the blood of every Diaspora

No matter where they live or how their political differences are, Ethiopians have common concern on local issues. As it was recently witnessed, the Ethiopian diaspora in Belgium and Luxembourg have issued a letter protesting the imbalanced resolution issued by the EU parliament.

During their protest Ethiopian Diasporas have reflected their firm stands against the decision made by the EU parliament and asked to reconsider its decision.

As to protestors, the TPLF junta- which is the antithesis of peace and stability of the nation is accountable for the death of innocent people in the northern part of the country and for all humanitarian crises.

Starting from the time the junta ousted from its position it had been using all means to destroy Ethiopia. This is either in the form of serving as an instrument for anti-Ethiopian elements or, directly committing human activities and destroying public infrastructures.

As indicated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the diaspora community has urged the parliament to give attention to the plight of people in the Afar and Amhara regions who are suffering from deliberate attacks against their lives and properties by the TPLF.

They also urged the European Parliament to take note of the misdeeds of some aid agencies that tampered with data to influence policy decisions against the interest of the people and government of Ethiopia. The action which is taken by Ethiopian Diasporas in Belgium and Luxembourg is a true indication of Ethiopian sentiment.

The TPLF junta has been misleading the world and it is still trying to deceive the global community with its lobbyists that it bought through the money it usurps from Ethiopia. There was no time for the TPLF junta to refrain from playing hide and seek game in Ethiopian politics. 

As it was recently reported by former EU Member of Parliament-Anna Gomez, TPLF is a dangerous band of criminal oppressors and liars.

In her message to the United Nations Secretary General Antoni Guterres and UN Relief Chief, Anna Gomez said, TPLF members are the most dangerous and oppressor.  “One thing I know for having direct experience since I led the 2005 EUEOM – TPLF are a dangerous band of criminal oppressors and liars.”

The role of the diaspora in supporting the nation is beyond question. It is well remembered that lately, The Ethiopian Herald had moments of togetherness with Ermias Mekonnen, who is an Ethiopian diaspora living in America.

 According to him, Ethiopia has never been barren of heroes and heroines. No matter where or how they live, sons and daughters of Ethiopia do not compromise on Ethiopia. With all political ideology differences, Ethiopians always have a culture of standing together to defend their nation.

“I am leading a happy and smooth life in America. However, my heart is always at home-Ethiopia. If God wills, it is my desire to contribute my best to my motherland by any means.”

As to Ermias, the TPLF junta had been using its lobbyists to discredit the legal government of Ethiopia and use all available resources to destroy the nation. However, this has brought those true sons and daughters of Ethiopia to come more together for a common agenda.

As it was witnessed several times, there were no times where Ethiopians sat idle when national sovereignty or dignity was threatened. Let alone Ethiopians, other non-Ethiopians lovers have also a zeal to stand by the side of Ethiopia- mother of Africa.  

History has recorded that when Mussolini announced its plan to invade Ethiopia in 1935, it was not only Ethiopian diasporas that stood by the side of their mother land,  many African Americans felt compelled to assist the kingdom as Ethiopia was the only African nation to successfully resist colonization. Rallies held to protest the invasion attracted some 20,000 people in Harlem and 10,000 in Chicago.



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