“Yachi Set” Muslim photo exhibition staged

“Yachi Set” Muslim photo exhibition staged

Ethiopia is a melting pot of a broad array of ethnic groups,which inhabit a single land with different cultural values. The land is really a mosaic of culture. In this regard, September (Meskerem) speaks loud the cultural diversification.
Unlike other months, September is rich in various holidays that reflect the cultural values of Ethiopians.
The Christian Meskel (the founding of the true cross) , the Eid-Alahdha of Muslims and Irrecha of Oromo are some of the special holidays that lend colour to September.
In the just departed Sptember the Eid Al-Adha, which has a great place among Muslims, was colourfully marked here in Ethiopia. The day was attended by thousands of faithfuls at Addis Ababa Stadium.
Here is Addis, besides celebrating the day with friends and helping the needy, the faithful and others had also marked it with a photograph exhibition. The exhibition, organized by Zawie Promotion Agency, was staged at the National Theater's Museum .

This Journalist had a chance to speak to the organizer-- Dr. Semehar Tekle, a lecturer at AAU, College of Health Sciences (CHS), at a Department of Neurology and also a Preacher and Teacher of Islam.

According to Semhar, the photo exhibition was organized with the aim of showing to the audience one of the religious rituals practiced by Muslims allover the world in a single place---at Kaaba.

As to him, Eid al-Adha is the second of the two religious holidays celebrated by Muslims worldwide each year. It honors the willingness of Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice his son, as an act of obedience to God's command, before God intervened, through his angel Jibra'il and inform him that his sacrifice has already been accepted.
Semhar said that the day has a special meaning to the faithful ones. It is a time when solidarity and tolerance are entertained equally. It is a time when Muslims from all over the world with different economic, political status but with one faith—Islam— join together and show their solidarity.
“We have organized this event with the aim of showing the public what Eid Sal Adha looks in and around Kaaba. This solidarity and respectfulness is not confined among the Muslims. It has a room of solidarity with others. Hajji has a great meaning among the Muslims for it lets a window to the world as to what Islam means. It is a way of peace, tolerance and respectfulness.”
Dr. Semhar further stressed that, Islam is all about peace. The whole message behind Islam is peaceful co-existence. All the Islamic teachings are based on peace. There is a newly emerged idea that attempts to taint the image of Islam with terrorism. That is totally wrong. Islam and Muslims can not be blamed for the act of some irresponsible intruders whose action affect the peace and tolerance of the society.
"In this regard, I want to stress the fact that Islam is all about peace and tolerance. Islam is all about solidarity. Islam is all about peaceful coexistence. The whole teaching of Islam is equality of people and their value systems. In this respect, exhibitions like this one and other discussions could have a great value in teaching people the real meaning of Islam."

When asked why the name “Yachi Set” or “That Woman” was used as a title of the exhibition and as to who that woman stands for? Semhar said that the woman is the mother of Ismael. She was the wife of the great prophet Abrham and Hagar has a great place in the Hajii practice.
Asked about cultural tolerance in Ethiopia, Semhar said that "whether you are a Muslim or a Christian, you are Ethiopian. No matter what our religious difference is, we are born here on a common land, Ethiopia. In this regard, we should have to work hard for our land. This must be the core value of all Ethiopians in all religions, we all have one mother country—she is called Ethiopia. And this land expects us to work hard and develop it."
Our land is a mosaic of culture and different religions. For this reason we have to preserve the existing age-old peace, tolerance and respectfulness. That is how we could allow our country join the ranks of the affluent. We have to nurture the culture of tolerance and peaceful coexistence. Without this peace and courtesy to the cultural values of others it is difficult to bring the expected economic development. We have to hold our hands together. While we strive towards economic progress, we must not forget the importance of tolerance and respecting the value of others.
At the photo exhibition , this writer had witnessed both Christians and Muslims feasting their eyes on the beautiful Islamic religious practices caught with a professional camera. Both were admiring the tolerance of people from all classes sleeping side by side sharing a ground on Haji.
This writer has also heard one of the curators telling to the audience that in a spiritual practice or pilgrimage like Haji , there is no demarcation of economic status or political position. Everyone will be equally served . And all will practice the religious activity on an equal basis.
Sources indicated that although only the pilgrims in Makkah can participate in the Hajj fully, all the other Muslims worldwide join them by celebrating the Eid al Adha [eed al ud-ha], or Festival of Sacrifice.
On the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah, gathering in the morning, Muslims around the world attend a special prayer. This will normally be followed by a short sermon, after which the faithful stand up to hug and greet each other.
The traditional Eid greeting is “Eid Mubarak,” which means “Holiday Blessings.” Next, people visit each other’s homes and partake in festive meals. Children receive gifts on this joyous occasion.


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