Ethiopian music, education

Ethiopian music, education


As a matter of fact, music has been playing a big role in the socioeconomic and political spheres of developed and developing countries . Because of giving special attention to the art of music, a number of countries have succeeded in getting across the intended messages to their fellow countrymen in an entertaining manner as ever. It is true that, anyone who has the talent of artistic life, s/he will definitely have the ability to express her/ his thoughts and feelings through art.
Indeed, we all agree that music is everything to humankind. Henceforth, music has been a means via which one would artistically reflect his/her cultural ,social and political values for many centuries.
We know for sure that music had not been only a part and parcel of the day to day activities of Ethiopians in the past ,but also it was used to lend valour to our patriots during war times. As history tells us, in Ethiopia, Azmaris which literally stands for ministers of music had been used as a mouthpiece of the people in times where the people were subjected to some sorts of repression by their rulers.
Lately, a press conference that discussed on Ethiopian Music and education was held at Ministry of Culture and Tourism. On the event representatives of Ethiopian Musicians Association, the ministry of Culture and Tourism, Yared School of Music and Ministry of Education have reflected their views on the importance of music at our educational curriculum. Especially at the primary classes where the children artistic talent will be easily identified. What is more, according to the participants, higher educational institution should also give special attention to the discipline. Participants went on to say music should be a part and parcel of Ethiopian academic system. It must be given at all levels.
At the event, the experience of developed countries in nurturing musical talent at early period was related to journalists. According to the study, if children are allowed to nurture their talent at early age, it will be easy for them to identify their skills and area of interest when they join higher educational institution. However, according to the participants, in Ethiopia there is no such a trend to early identify the talent of a given student. This has its negative impact on the music industry.
The stakeholders also said that, musical training that is given at the early age gives a multidimensional advantage to students. Using the experience of other countries, the participants have underlined that, using the available advantages in the country, music can be used as a bridge to further nurture the academic competence of students on other subjects.

Speaking at the event Ethiopian Musician Association President Dr. Dawit Yifru said that despite the fact that Ethiopian music has been serving the people for more than a century, music and musicians did not get the right respect and benefit. According to him, unlike other professions, musicians did not benefit from the economy. This has resulted from the age old negative perception towards musicians, the problem of copy right and other issues.
As part of its vision to give a momentum for Ethiopian music the Association had been discussing with several government officials including the late prime minister and other stakeholders that cares for the development of Ethiopian music. Various workshops and conferences that were organized by the Association are best examples in this regard.
According to Association Deputy President Sertse Feresebehat Ethiopian Musicians Association is one of the earliest professional associations that had been fighting for the interest of musicians. As a professional association, the association strives to develop Ethiopian music and the interest of musicians. The association has a firm belief that the basic economic and moral rights of Ethiopian musicians shall not be separated from the economic progress of the country. According to him in this regard, the association is working closely with various stakeholders who really understand the value of music for life.
According to the Association deputy president Sertse, high school and the preparatory classes have forgotten the significance of art, particularly music, for student's future carrier. According to him, with the exception of some colleges most Technical and Vocational schools have forgotten music.
As to the participants, absence of musical instrument in adequate quantity have a crippling effect on graduate students. When a given musician graduates from music school, s/he is expected to have her/his own musical instrument. However, due to the instruments expensiveness they can not own them. Thus, they will be forced to give up music and join other professions. This has its negative implication on the music industry.
According to the study though some universities have started to give musical training, there is still a challenge. One of the problems is absence of musical instruments decisive for the training. The other problem is that most of the students have no knowledge on the ABCs of music.


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