Whoever marries my country has a responsibility to serve me fairly

Whoever marries my country has a responsibility to serve me fairly


Marriage and politics needs commitment. I believe that beauty has a power to seduce its observer. When a beautiful girl reach at her puberty there will be several young men who try to seduce her with their action. Some attempt to get her attention through their dressing style; others through their way of speaking; others through their wealth, education or family background. To some extent there are others who tries to abduct her. Depending on the interest of that beautiful girl and, the willingness of her parents the one who is committed and responsible will marry her.

Likewise, in politics there is a need to control political power in different means. Some attempt to hold power in a democratic and peaceful manners while others attempt to hold power through undemocratic means. The latter is common in most developing country.

As the beauty of a girl seduce her lovers during her puberty, politicians and political parties are also tempted to hold power in election times. As a means to hold power they use all the possible opportunities. From unreasonable promises to bribe. From undermining the deeds of governing party to political conspiracy.

My country is now found at the eve of the fifth nationwide election. The existing EPRDF party has married Ethiopia for about 24 years. This party has snatched Ethiopian politics from her cruel dictatorial husband –Derg.

When Derg got married Ethiopia in 1974, it has promised to her families and children that it would treat “her” with best and remove her tears from her eyes. But, as the history of the country witnessed the reality is far from its promises. Her new cruel husband has became the source of all her sufferings. Like her ex husband it became harsh and selfish.

In 1991, Ethiopia got married to the EPRDF. This new husband had been in love with Ethiopia for decades. Unfortunately, it did not got the way to show “his” love. If there was any way “he' can express his love, it was through fighting her enemies in the bush. However, after a bloody wars it has removed “her” cruel husband and get married Ethiopia.

The marriage between the two is different from the previous marriages. Using its love and commitment the new husband had been (and still) striving to make his wife happy. Ethiopia, whose face was wrinkled due to the harsh treatment from her ex husbands is getting better. Her pain is getting well. She is now seeing hope. She has started to smile.

EPRDF together with “his” committed servants (it does not include corrupted ones) are treating her with their best. Here it must be noticed that the writer of this piece is not generalizing that all policies and strategies of the new husband is satisfying his wife and all her beloved children. There are some who get benefit from the new system. There are also some who are the victims of the system.

The point of this piece is not to talk about marriage and love. Rather, it is all about political commitment. As it is mentioned in the beginning of this piece, Ethiopia is now found at the eve of fifth nationwide election. Various political parties (not less than 80) are expected to compete in the up coming election. Using public medias various parties (opposing and the governing) are introducing their political policies.

I had the chance to listen some of the programs of political parties. Some have came have come up with inspiring and convincing policies. And, some of them are using the media for the sake of talking.

It is my believe that politics is not a plaything. It needs commitment. It needs care. Let alone leading a great nation like Ethiopia, leading one`s life need proper care. In this regard, whoever come into power must sacrifice party needs and work for the sake of the people as a whole. Whoever take that power, it has the responsibility to administer the people fairly, democratically and equally. We all are the children of Ethiopia. We all need change. No one is a step child. Everyone needs the love and affection. Whoever marries my country has a responsibility to serve me with best.


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