Mothers are pillars of family (In remembrance of family day)

Mothers are pillars of family
(In remembrance of family day)
When ever the issue of family comes , there is one man that comes into my mind. My Mother. mother is very special. Despite the fact that there are thousands of economic constraints and other physical or psychological challenges, mothers are the pillars of the family. Their quality can not be over run by technological advancement or their level of education. Mothers are the same everywhere.
This idea has comes into my heart when I was reminded on social network that last Friday was a family day. What is family where there is no mother? I know there are some Ethiopian fathers who act like a mother. Whose heart is sympathetic to their children. Most of Ethiopian mothers are really a pillar and foundation of their family. No matter how hard situations at home are; no matter how foolish her husband is, Ethiopian mother knows the art of living. They have a special quality of living in harsh condition. They are not only a pillar to their family. Ethiopian mother is a psychologist, an economist, best manager and best therapist to her family. Where there is mother, there is family. Where there is mother there is a strong bondage in that family. They are like a cement that binds bricks with different size.

Like most developing countries, in Ethiopia family is building irrespective of considering ones economic condition. (I am not generalizing there are thousands of Ethiopians who are experts of family planning). This is common both in urban as well us rural areas.
There is a common believe that children are gifts of God. For that reason it is not difficult to find large size families having 9-12 children. However, despite the size and other economic constraints, Ethiopian families live in a single house roofing love. This is specially true in times where there is a strong mother or mother like father.

Here, I want to add one fact. Despite the fact that fathers are the breadwinners of their family it is mothers who carry all the burden. I know how my mother toiled to raise me in particular. Even now, though she is old, my mother is the pillar of her family. Her role is immeasurable.


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