NO matter what Ethiopia prevails



A one sided story is the main source of all forms of fallacies. This is still being witnessed through the Western media concerning Ethiopia and other countries. The funny part of this problem is, the fallacy is being committed by those groups or media houses that preached about the concept of “genuine journalistic ethics” and provide trainings on balanced reporting.

 The old mentality of considering themselves as “Police man of the world” is still in its place. Using their Medias the West are still labeling any nation in the world as ineffective and chaotic if it is not willing to stoop for their neo-colonial strategy.

Whenever countries and leaders stood for their sovereignty and resist the West, they are always considered as a failed and disintegrated country; whenever the Western world fail to put their sacs of neo-colonial strategies on African nations they have their own ways of attacking that particular nation.

 The Western medias  be it BBC, the Guardian, CNN, AFP or others, have a tendency of  assassinating  the “character” of that particular nation that refuse to carry their ill-conceived goals. This is witnessed in different parts of the world where strong leadership refused to swing its tails for the West.

Ethiopia is still a sable nation with the culture of tolerance. Ethiopia is a vast land with 1,127,127 square km., which is slightly less than twice the size of Texas. The total land area is 1,119,683 square km and the area occupied by water bodies is 7,444 sq. km. The Ethiopian border is 5,311 km long. Do you know what this means? This is a clear message that whatever the instability in the Northern part of the country does not affect the rest of the nation.

Whoever had the chance to visit Addis Ababa and other parts of the country can witness this fact. Despite the economic burden that resulted from COVId-19 (which is international by its nature) and the attempt of TPLF junta to stir the peace of the nation, Ethiopia still breathes a clean air.

The busy streets of Addis Ababa, that entertain their street vendors to all the newly inaugurated parks all over the City still breath a fresh air. The misty weather that Ethiopians are experiencing this rainy season has also added another spirit of peace and hope to the nation.

Ethiopians love their country. No matter what their situation is; no matter how the Western media labeled the nation for its political mission, Ethiopians love their country.

Lately, BBC Sport had reported about Sifan Hassan who represented Netherlands and won a triple medal at the Tokyo Olympics.  According to BBC Sport report, Sifan did not regret leaving Ethiopia and live as a migrant in foreign county. "I don't regret that I got out from that country and I don't even want to go back again. It's so painful. It hurts me when I think about it, it's terrible."

However, the truth is not as it is always reported by BBC Sport and indicated by the athlete. Individual athlete that sold its nation for the sake of bread cannot represent Ethiopia and cannot speak about politics. None of Ethiopian athletes have same feeling as she feels. The return of all athletes back to home from Tokyo Olympics is a clear indication to this. Despite the economic challenge and some kind of political unrest that is caused by the rebellious TPLF junta, all Ethiopians have returned back home without any hesitations.

 It is well recorded in several Medias that, most African athletes have a tendency of betraying their country either for the sake of bread or for political reasons. However, this is not the case of Ethiopia. As it was recently indicated by Ethiopian Athletics Federation all athletes who represented Ethiopia on Tokyo 2020 Olympics have come back to their loving mother land. On their arrival all the delegations were welcomed warmly by families of Athletics and Ethiopian lovers.

The result of the athletes may not satisfy all Ethiopians. This might be resulted from the previous experiences the nation had in the area of athletics medal records. However, the result is still satisfactory. Ethiopia has finished at the 56th place at the end of the game and fifth best among the 54 African nations that sent their teams to Tokyo Olympics. This is a great achievement by itself. Ethiopia`s athletes have represented their country not only like runners but also as diplomats. They have disproved the negative image that the Western media gave to Ethiopia.

Ethiopia is not created out of the will of Western media or the propaganda of the rebels TPLF junta. The nation is built out of the blood and sweet of her beloved children. As a land of origins, Ethiopia has managed to overcome almost all forms of challenges. The past experience- both natural and manmade- hardships have made Ethiopians to be more strong and narrow their gaps. Be it ethnic clash or rebellious groups attempt to cripple the effort of Central government had never been successful. The recent mass mobilization to finalize GERD and support the National Defense Forces is a clear indication to this. Despite all the effort of anti- Ethiopian sentimental groups, Ethiopia is still flourishing. It has still kept its ancient glory. No junta or no Western propaganda would not cripple Ethiopia`s effort towards prosperity. No strong nation is built without challenges. The current storm the nation is passing through is neither permanent nor unassailable. The combined hands of Ethiopia are still strong to halt the storm.


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