wake up Africa

Dear African Leaders I have heard you talking a lot but working a little. you`ve been talking about MDGs, Pan Africna movement; the struggling for woman and childeren right; colonization, neo colonization, richness of african soil....bla bla bla...but you have take no a single step.
your Agenda 2063 is not different from your previous lip services. pls do something. forget about the past. forget the scares of colonization and foccus on what you can do for us.
it is good to plan ahead but, I don`t belive planing by itself can bring change. settle your difference. never attempt our attention. work for democracy, for peace, and African prosperity not for your prosperity.
you know what i observe yesterday on African leaders summit? some of the leadrs were busy of taking nap while the others to take pictures via tablets nad mobile phones.
Dear Leadres and deligates you are here for contienetal agenda. pls wake up Africa.


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